I wanted to share with everybody what driving around the village entails. If you want to access our only loop road on the peninnsula you will come upon the following-
Haha! that's right- we have to cross the airplane runway! Better look both ways ;)
(And this is the real, one and only runway- the jet planes land here!)
So, needless to say I am always a bit squirmish before I cross this and I look about 10 times- just to make sure there are no planes coming!
The other day I had to wait about 15 minutes before I could cross because I had 2 plans depart and one leave right in front of me.I snapped this pic of the jet plane- with my 50mm lens- no zoom! This was how close the plane was to my car.
When Kev and I went out 2 nights ago we got stuck and troopers had to come to our rescue- thanks guys!
This is looking out the back of the car. Rangeley couldn't believe what was going on either. But no worries, we were out in no time.
Anyways, thats a bit of what we've been up to!