Monday, January 31, 2011

Snowed In

We are stuck in the middle of a snowstorm that's been going on for a few days now. Luckily it's warmer temps, today is in the 30s, above zero!! Unfortunately the wind and snow make it near impossible to do anything in this near tropical weather. Here is the view of the storm from my (dirty) window-

and my porch...

Being inside doesn't bother the baby. She's busy discovering the world around her. She recently started to show interest in a few toys, especially her dolls.

In other news... I already booked a trip to the big city of Anchorage for next month. I went to the store a couple weeks ago and almost had a heart attack over the grocery prices. Only in Kotzebue does a bowl of cocoa puffs cost as much as a lobster dinner. Gallon of milk- 9.98  Cocoa Puffs- 7.95. Are you kidding me? So as I carried my 2 overpriced bags of groceries totaling almost a hundred bucks, I decided a trip to Anchorage was in order, and soon! I plan to take back to Kotzebue 3 suitcases full of oreos and apple juice, you know the neccessities. Plus it will give me a chance to catch up with some friends and show Chantal off :)

Here's a pic of what a 12 pack of coke goes for in Kotz-

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap, soda at that price...I sure would be drinking plenty of
