Sunday, February 20, 2011

Around Kotzebue

So yesterday was in the single temps and to celebrate Chantal and I went for a walk while Kev was out checking his trap line. It felt wonderful to get out of the house for a bit and walk around town. Chantal did really well riding in my font sling and even fell asleep during our outing.

 Here are a couple of pics I took-


This is our Front St. next to the sea. Last summer we had the road widened and the lightposts installed for a hefty price tag of 40k a piece! Our neighbors kid came up for the summer to work with the construction crew and made some big bucks helping out with this project...

Here is a house on Front St- shows how much snow we've gotten this year.

Chantal after our walk

Later on that day I became a little worried when the weather took a turn for the worse and the boys were still not back. A storm came in very quickly and knowing they had our neighbor's kid with them, we were all hoping they were okay. Just before dark I happily heard snowmachines coming in the yard, but I knew there had been some trouble when I saw only 2 snowmachines - they had left with a party of 3. Turns out one of the machines had blown a motor and they had gotten it stuck towing it back. At least everyone was alright. All in all they had gotten a lynx, and some frostbite. Here's a cool pic of the lynx found in the buried trap-

I am excited to be off for Anchorage tomorrow!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Getting Back!

I was so excited this morning when I decided to try my wedding band on for the 20th time post pregnancy and it fit!! Well, kind of. Woo-hoo! To top it off I even got the buttons closed on a favorite shirt of mine, also pre-Chantal. This is serious motivation to keep nursing, exercising, and controlling my urges to chow down on the Ben n Jerrys. Actually I'm just kidding ( "I jokes" for you Kotz residents) our store doesn't usually carry Ben n Jerry's  :( 

I like this picture because it was not too long ago I remember not being able to see my feet!

I can't resist posting a pic of Chantal after bath time- she's just too cute! She is starting to really like her baths- just like her momma.

 I can't forget Willow...she recently found a spot in the nursery that gets some sunlight, and allows her to watch over the baby!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekend Update

It's almost 2 AM and despite the baby being sound asleep, I find myself unable to close my eyes for more than 5 minutes. I think the mid morning naps with Chantal might have to stop...

So this weekend Kev checked his traps and was pretty pumped to find 2 lynx out of the 3 traps he had set. From my understanding he had only set 3 this year so far because of the bad weather and snow we had been getting. Anyways, all that doesn't mean much to me. I just need to figure out what I'm gonna make with the lynx we already have! I think we might start selling them this year...

I didn't really get out much this weekend. However I did "dine" at our local restaurant with my hubby last night! Which, by the way,  has now started to put sushi on it's menu! I know- fancy! I ventured enough to try the deep fried shrimp roll, somehow I am not yet comfortable with eating raw fish here yet. 

Here are some more pics for you Chantal admirers. The boy is the photo is my neighbor's kid, Gage.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Playing around with my camera this afternoon. I am considering upgrading to a nice camera and pursuing some photography... but for now I'm just experimenting with what I have!