Sunday, February 20, 2011

Around Kotzebue

So yesterday was in the single temps and to celebrate Chantal and I went for a walk while Kev was out checking his trap line. It felt wonderful to get out of the house for a bit and walk around town. Chantal did really well riding in my font sling and even fell asleep during our outing.

 Here are a couple of pics I took-


This is our Front St. next to the sea. Last summer we had the road widened and the lightposts installed for a hefty price tag of 40k a piece! Our neighbors kid came up for the summer to work with the construction crew and made some big bucks helping out with this project...

Here is a house on Front St- shows how much snow we've gotten this year.

Chantal after our walk

Later on that day I became a little worried when the weather took a turn for the worse and the boys were still not back. A storm came in very quickly and knowing they had our neighbor's kid with them, we were all hoping they were okay. Just before dark I happily heard snowmachines coming in the yard, but I knew there had been some trouble when I saw only 2 snowmachines - they had left with a party of 3. Turns out one of the machines had blown a motor and they had gotten it stuck towing it back. At least everyone was alright. All in all they had gotten a lynx, and some frostbite. Here's a cool pic of the lynx found in the buried trap-

I am excited to be off for Anchorage tomorrow!

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